128 Unit 08 | The next chapter Individual long turn: Do this in pairs. Student A talks about the cartoon, student B compares the pictures. Give feedback to each other. Student A: Give a 5-minute talk about the challenges of growing up. SPEAKING 18 Strategies box To assess or evaluate something means to judge how good/valuable/successful/ etc. something is. In your talk you should: discuss how the cartoon relates to teenagers’ difficulties accepting themselves give possible reasons why some teenagers have problems accepting themselves assess the influence of peers on teenagers’ ability to accept themselves Student B: Give a 5-minute talk about growing up in today’s world. In your talk you should: contrast the different ways young people are spending their time as shown in the pictures analyse the role of peers in a young person’s life argue why young people should be prepared to meet the challenges of today’s world Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv