way2go! 8, Schulbuch

103 Imagine there were no electricity. Go through a typical school day in your life and think about how things would be different. Compare your ideas in class. Example: If there were no electricity, we wouldn’t have any … With a partner, analyse the charts showing average domestic electricity consumption in the US, the UK and Austria. Look for similarities and differences and speculate about possible reasons for them. Compare your results in class. Example: Compared to the UK, Austria uses a much higher percentage of electricity for heating water. Maybe that’s because electric storage water heaters are very common in Austria, but less so in the UK. SPEAKING 3 Powering our lives 4 space heating 9% 9% 2% 4% 8% 7% 29% 19% 15% 10% 11% 27% 16% 15% 11% 10% 12% 12% 25% 13% 14% 22% The US The UK Austria water heating cooking refrigeration washing entertainment lighting air conditioning Listen to part of a science class on the charts above. Take notes to answer the questions below. 1 What is the main point the teacher is trying to make? 2 What is her argument concerning the energy used for heating? 3 Why is it wrong to assume people in the US cook less just from the chart above? 4 What do we need to know before we can judge the effect of power consumption on the environment? LISTENING 5 21 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv