way2go! 7. Coursebook, Schulbuch
207 Study the list below before your partner starts with his/her long turn. Tick the questions while your partner is speaking. Give honest feedback by telling your partner what went really well and what needs improving. Did your partner … Yes No 1 say what the pictures have in common and what is different about them? (bp1) 2 use the present continuous when describing what the people are doing? (bp1) 3 speculate how the people might feel about the paintings? (bp1) 4 support his/her opinion with examples (evidence) and reason ? (bp2) 5 use a variety of sentence starters avoiding the overuse of I think … ? (bp2) 6 make one or two good suggestions supporting them with relevant details instead of offering a variety of suggestions without any details? (bp3) 7 speak fluently without reading from notes he/she has made? 8 speak for about 5 minutes (a bit less than 2 minutes for each bullet point)? What next? Some of the information given in the recording is quite complex and specific. For the items you got wrong, listen to the parts where they are discussed multiple times. You might even want to copy down parts of the text in writing for practice. Individual long turn HÖREN B2 Ich kann Hauptaussagen und spezifische Informationen von inhaltlich und sprachlich komplexen Redebeiträgen zu konkreten und abstrakten Themen verstehen, wenn Standardsprache gesprochen wird. 7–6: 5–4: 3–0: SPEAKING 3 a SPRECHEN B2 Ich kann zu einer großen Bandbreite von unterrichtsbezogenen Themen klare und detaillierte Beschreibungen und Darstellungen geben, Ideen ausführen und durch untergeordnete Punkte und relevante Beispiele abstützen. Paired activity b SPRECHEN B2 Ich kann mich in vertrauten Situationen aktiv an informellen Diskussionen beteiligen, indem ich Stellung nehme, einen Standpunkt darlege, verschiedene Vorschläge beurteile, Hypothesen aufstelle und auf Hypothesen reagiere. Ask a friend to give you and your partner honest feedback based on the tables below. Student A … Yes No considers the situational context . listens to what B says. invites B to give his/her opinion . reacts to B’s arguments politely and competently. gives relevant supporting details (examples, evidence, reason) for each content point . speaks fluently . doesn’t dominate the discussion. Student B… Yes No considers the situational context . listens to what A says. invites A to give his/her opinion . reacts to A’s arguments politely and competently. gives relevant supporting details (examples, evidence, reason) for each content point . speaks fluently . doesn’t dominate the discussion. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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