way2go! 7. Coursebook, Schulbuch

206 KEY SEMESTER CHECKS Blog post WRITING 5 SCHREIBEN B1+ Ich kann mit einer gewissen Sicherheit größere Mengen von Sachinformationen über vertraute Routineangelegenheiten und über weniger routinemäßige Dinge zusammenfassen, darüber berichten und dazu Stellung nehmen. Look at the blog post you have written and tick the questions. Did you … Yes No 1 state your user name and give the blog post a catchy title ? 2 get the reader’s attention in your introduction ? 3 write three paragraphs (one for each bullet point) of about equal length? 4 add relevant supporting details ? 5 use semi-formal or neutral language ? 6 use a variety of linking devices ? 7 engage the reader with (rhetorical) questions and imperatives ? 8 observe the function words ? 9 “invite” the reader to comment on your blog post or take action in your conclusion ? 10 proofread your blog post for common mistakes you might have made? Semester check 02, pp. 162–167 The power of parklets (4W) Key: 1 more popular/more widely accepted/more common 2 people drank alcohol there/it blocked parking/nudists spent time there 3 operate parklets/manage parklets (NOT: build parklets) 4 positive impact of parklets 5 increased sales/demand for more workers 6 neighbo(u)rhood settings (NOT: central business districts) 7 bring a neighbo(u)rhood together 8 has lots of customers/has large shop windows/has few seats indoors 9 aren’t customers/don’t shop there READING 1 LESEN B2 Ich kann die Hauptaussagen von inhaltlich und sprachlich komplexen Texten, auch literarischen zu konkreten und abstrakten Themen verstehen. 9–8: 7–5: 4–0: What next? Items 3 and 6 of this task are most difficult to get right because they ask about very specific information. In item 3, the question is what UCD does for businesses, not the local council. They installed parklets for the city in the past but currently only manage them together with local businesses. Item 6 asks about the topic of the current UCD study, not past ones by other organisations. Only the past studies were about parklets in business districts. Prince Rupert’s dog Boy (MC) Key: 1 A, 2 D, 3 C, 4 C, 5 A, 6 D, 7 C LISTENING 2 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv