way2go! 7. Coursebook, Schulbuch

205 Do you have a growth mindset? (MC) Key: 1 C, 2 D, 3 D, 4 B, 5 A, 6 B, 7 C, 8 B, 9 D, 10 C LANGUAGE IN USE 4 Ich kann ein hinreichend breites Spektrum an sprachlichen Mitteln korrekt erkennen und anwenden. 10–9: 8–7: 6–0: SPRACH- VERWENDUNG IM KONTEXT Paired activity b Did your partner … Yes No 1 describe the nature of the chart including all information (e.g. title) given? 2 use quantifiers ( a large proportion, … ) describing the survey? 3 focus on the essential information discussing the chart? 4 give two or three good reasons with supporting details when talking about bullet point 2? 5 make two or three useful suggestions with supporting details when talking about bullet point 3? 6 use modal verbs/conditionals when talking about bullet points 2 and 3? 7 speak fluently without reading from notes he/she has made? 8 speak for about 4 minutes (a bit more than 1 minute for each bullet point)? SPRECHEN B1+ Ich kann ein Gespräch oder eine Diskussion aufrechterhalten und dabei kurz zu den Standpunkten anderer Stellung nehmen, Vergleiche anstellen und verschiedene Möglichkeiten angeben. Ask a friend to give you and your partner honest feedback based on the tables below. Student A … Yes No considers the situational context . listens to what B says. invites B to give his/her opinion . reacts to B’s arguments politely and competently. gives good reasons and support- ing details for all content points. speaks fluently . doesn’t dominate the discussion. Student B… Yes No considers the situational context . listens to what A says. invites A to give his/her opinion . reacts to A’s arguments politely and competently. gives good reasons and support- ing details for all content points. speaks fluently . doesn’t dominate the discussion. What next? Find reasons why only the correct answer to each item fits the text. Especially for the answers you got wrong, find out what grammatical structure or expression you didn’t know. Here are some examples: Item 1 needs to complete a conditional clause about an imaginary situation in the past. You can see this because the main clause uses the verb form would have passed , so the conditional clause can only be in the past perfect ( had + past participle of the verb). On the other hand, item 4 needs to complete a fixed phrase with the correct preposition. If you discover you don’t know a phrase like that, immediately record it in your notes for revision. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv