way2go! 7. Coursebook, Schulbuch

204 KEY SEMESTER CHECKS Semester checks – answer key Semester check 01, pp. 84–89 How a Mumbai slum became a riot of colour (T/F/J) Key: 1 T, The odd pot plant; 2 T, Having persuaded Snowcem Paints; 3 F, No one had ever/ Others wondered if coloured/Some neighbours refused at; 4 F, In December 2017, over; 5 T, One shows a group; 6 T, Tours of Asalpha will/Local women will earn; 7 F, People have got carried/The comparison is far-fetched READING 1 LESEN B2 Ich kann längere Texte, auch Berichte und Artikel, zu aktuellen Fragen sowie literarische Texte selbstständig lesen und verstehen. 7–6: 5–4: 3–0: Study the list on the next page before your partner starts with his/her long turn. Tick the questions while your partner is speaking. Give honest feedback by telling your partner what went really well and what needs improving. What next? Now that you know the correct answers and where they are in the text, compare the expressions used in the text with those in the task. Are there any synonyms you didn’t know that prevented you from getting the answer correct? For example, in item 1 it says “The majority of Mumbai’s inhabitants” – how does the text express the same idea? Birdwatching (4W) Key: 1 a crow’s nest/a crow 2 drum(ming) on metal/use metal not wood 3 their back stories/what they’ve seen/their experiences 4 grew up in London/raised in inner city/learned about birds himself 5 a book on birds 6 widening the diversity/reaching a wider audience 7 that there is beauty/beauty is close by LISTENING 2 HÖREN B2 Ich kann längeren Redebeiträgen und komplexer Argumentation folgen, sofern die Thematik einigermaßen vertraut und der Rede- oder Gesprächsverlauf durch explizite Signale gekennzeichnet ist. 7–6: 5–4: 3–0: What next? Listen to the recording again and stop after every question. Write down the language the speakers use to communicate the idea of the questions. For example, item 2 asks how woodpeckers have changed their behaviour while Lindo says, “Some woodpeckers have learned to drum on metal.” Individual long turn SPEAKING 3 a SPRECHEN B1+ Ich kann eine Argumentation, auch in Form einer Präsentation, gut genug ausführen, um die meiste Zeit ohne Schwierigkeiten verstanden zu werden. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv