way2go! 7. Coursebook, Schulbuch

194 VOCABULARY spoiled verwöhnt estimated Brazil is home to an estimated 200,000 street children. geschätzt hateful hasserfüllt, gehässig Unit 05 to have a say (in sth.) (bei etw.) ein Mitspracherecht haben 1 foundation Fundament, Basis philosopher [ fI*lOsEfE ] Philosoph/in growth Wachstum to cease [ si"s ] (fml.) When the fighting ceased, there was silence. enden, aufhören physicist [ *fIzIsIst ] Physiker/in values Werte, Moral community Gemeinschaft, Gesellschaft psychologist [ saI*kOlEdZIst ] Psychologe/Psychologin 4 to foster sth. The teacher hoped to foster interest in his pupils. etw. fördern/hegen 7 critical thinking kritisches Denken distracted abgelenkt to investigate sth. etw. untersuchen implication The implications of global warming are extremely disturbing. Auswirkung, Tragweite to make an informed decision I need all the facts before I can make an informed decision. eine wohlüberlegte/ fundierte Entscheidung treffen fixed belief(s) feste Überzeugung(en) to weaken [ *wi"kEn ] sth. etw. schwächen parental [ pE*rentEl ] Eltern-…; elterlich to undermine sb.’s authority If you disagree with me in front of everyone, you undermine my authority. jmds. Autorität untergraben sex education Sexualkunde, Aufklärungs- unterricht to oppose sth. Standardised tests were opposed by many teachers. etw. ablehnen disguised [ dIs*gaIzd ] getarnt, verkleidet inconsistency Widersprüchlichkeit reasoning [ *ri"zEnIN ] I understand your reasoning, but I still don’t want to do it. Argumentation, Gedankengang consistent stimmig, konsequent to adapt sth. etw. anpassen justification Rechtfertigung recipient [ rI*sIpiEnt ] Empfänger/in rigorous [ *rIgErEs ] Organic food products are rigorously controlled. rigoros, gründlich, streng to question sth. etw. hinterfragen finding Erkenntnis, Resultat workplace Arbeitsplatz, Arbeitsstätte 15 to reward sth. His kindness was rewarded with a dinner invitation. etw. belohnen 16 disrespectful respektlos to take a step towards … einen Schritt in Richtung … machen transport link Verkehrsverbindung apprenticeship [ E*prentIsSIp ] Lehre, Ausbildungsstelle to overcome an obstacle [ *ObstEkEl ] ein Hindernis überwinden crucial [ *kru"SEl ] ausschlaggebend policymaker politische/r Entscheidungs- träger/in 27 time-consuming zeitaufwendig 28 punctuality [ +p0nktSu*xlEti ] Pünktlichkeit comfort [ *k0mfEt ] Travelling by train offers more comfort than travelling by bus. Komfort, Bequemlichkeit 29 goods Waren, Güter llama Lama rhinoceros [ raI*nOsErEs ] /rhino Nashorn bike courier [ *baIk +kUriE ] Fahrradkurier/in delivery Zustellung, Lieferung drone Drohne freight train [ *freIt +treIn ] Frachtzug long-haul … Have you ever been on a long-haul flight? Langstrecken-… lorry (BE) , truck (AE) Lastwagen 30 mode of transport(ation) Transportmittel 31 rail network Eisenbahnnetz 32 to fail to do sth. I failed to show up in time due to heavy traffic. etw. nicht tun (können), an etw. scheitern to pretend to do sth. vorgeben, etw. zu tun surroundings Umgebung to take some time off I’ve been working too hard. I need to take some time off. sich freinehmen spontaneous [ spOn*teIniEs ] My friends came by the apartment spontaneously. spontan local When I’m on holiday, I always try to meet the locals. Einheimische/r 33 scuba diving [ *sku"bE +daIvIN ] Sporttauchen, Gerätetauchen tempting verlockend to manage to do sth. I won’t manage to get all my chores done today. etw. schaffen/vollbringen train ride Zugfahrt to attempt sth. etw. versuchen 34 to broaden your mind seinen Horizont erweitern 37 hassle [ *hxsEl ] (infml.) Getting tickets online saves a lot of time and hassle. Schererei, Theater to cough [ kOf ] sth. up What? You’ve swallowed the candy? Cough it up at once! etw. (aus)husten to take to the skies sich in die Lüfte schwingen carry-on baggage Handgepäck cargo [ *kA"gEU ] Fracht undertaking Vorhaben, Unternehmung furry [ *f3"ri ] pelzig carrier box Transportbox to bark bellen to meow (AE) /miaow (BE) [ +mi*aU ] miauen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv