way2go! 6, Schulbuch

99 Living on the street Student A … Yes No considers the situational context. listens to what B says. invites B to give his/her opinion. reacts to B’s arguments politely and competently. gives good examples for all bullet points. speaks fluently. doesn’t dominate the discussion. Student B… Yes No considers the situational context. listens to what A says. invites A to give his/her opinion. reacts to A’s arguments politely and competently. gives good examples for all bullet points. speaks fluently. doesn’t dominate the discussion. In pairs, come up with a definition of ‘homelessness’. Study the pie chart on homelessness in the USA. 1 What does it tell you about the different groups of homeless people? 2 The chart is from 2010. Do you think it would look different today? If so, how? 3 What could the situation in Austria be like? Do some research and discuss the results in class. What could everyday life be like for homeless people? SPEAKING 27 a M p. 41 b c Paired activity: Go back to p. 22 to refresh your memory about what a good paired activity should be like. Work in groups of three so a classmate can give you honest feedback based on the grid below. Your English language assistant is doing a social studies project with your class. Your class wants to donate money to an organisation helping homeless children. Now your language assistant would like to know how the money can be raised. Discuss the options below with a partner and agree on three. 28  selling toys and clothes at a flea market after school  selling home-made cakes during breaks  donating 10% of students’ monthly pocket money  organising a singing competition – audience pay an entry fee  organising a sports event – admission fee for visitors Single men Families with children Single women Unaccompanied minors Unknown 33% 17% 3% 4% 43% Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv