way2go! 6, Schulbuch

95 What does it mean when a person is disabled? Talk in pairs. Disabilities The box below shows a range of expressions connected with physical/sensory disabilities. Sort the words into four categories. SPEAKING 16 LANGUAGE 17 a In the interview, Judge Bernstein said, “Justice is supposed to be blind.” Discuss with a partner what you think he meant by that. Do you agree with him? Why?/Why not? 19 Discuss in pairs what life must be like for a person with these disabilities. Take notes. 1 What problems might occur? 2 What might being a disabled teenager be like? 3 What kinds of jobs could be easy/hard/impossible/… to perform with these disabilities? In 18b you will listen to an FM4 interview with a blind judge who works at the Michigan Supreme Court. Before you listen, try to come up with some questions that you might like to ask Justice Bernstein if you could meet him. After listening, see if they were answered in the interview. You are going to listen to the interview with Judge Bernstein now. First you will have 45 seconds to study the task below, then you will hear the recording twice. While listening, choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each question (1–5). Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. After the second listening, you will have 45 seconds to check your answers. b LISTENING 18 a 19 b Living with a disability blindness hearing amputee deaf amputated muteness paralysed mute deafness hard of hearing vision blind 0 Bernstein thinks that being able to see as a judge A makes the job easier. B can be a disadvantage. C gives you a neutral picture of people. D is as important as being well-dressed. 1 Bernstein believes that how people look can A influence what we think of people. B help us know who we are dealing with. C keep us from listening closely. D be a sign of innocence or guilt. 2 Bernstein says that blind people A know what discrimination feels like. B have problems picking up sounds. C can hear if someone is lying. D are the most open-minded people. 3 Bernstein’s election to the Supreme Court was A unusual. B similar to many others. C not carried out in a fair way. D financed by a big company. 4 Before the election, people were asked A if they were going to vote. B why they were voting for Bernstein. C which candidate they didn’t like. D how they decided on their vote. 5 The people who voted for Bernstein A were mainly college-educated. B had no idea who he was. C didn’t like older judges. D said he could understand them best. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv