way2go! 6, Schulbuch

92 Unit 07 | The story of my life Now listen to the first part of the conversation and take notes to answer the questions below. 1 What will the project at Whitehall be about? 2 What steps in the project are the teachers planning? 3 What are Ms Anderson and Mr Jackson asking Pam to do? 4 Why have the teachers decided to do this project? 5 What should the students in years 11 and 12 learn from the project? 6 What is Pam going to focus on? The second part of the discussion focuses on youth culture today and on what has changed since the hippie and punk movements. Write down three things that you think have changed for your generation. Compare your lists in small groups. Look at the expressions below and guess what Ms Anderson says (underline it in one colour) and what Mr Jackson says (underline it in another colour). Then listen to the conversation and write down the words that you hear before and after these phrases. 1 protests against all sorts of things 3  not enough commitment 2 change your identity really quickly 4  you get instant feedback Use your notes from 7b to reconstruct the opinion of each teacher. Do you agree with them? Write a response to either Mr Jackson or Ms Anderson. Talking about youth culture Look at the expressions below. Choose three that you think are the most important for talking about youth culture, and give reasons for your choice. Then add your own ideas and justify them. LISTENING 6 17 7 a b 18 WRITING 8 a b LANGUAGE 9 anti-  acceptance  clothes  commitment  counter-culture  developing identity  hairstyle  involvement  music  outsider  participation  peer group  peer pressure  sense of belonging Discuss the cartoon on the right with a partner, then compare your ideas in class. 1 What is happening? Describe what you can see in the picture. 2 What are they saying? Who is talking? Explain what is being said in your own words. 3 What does it mean? Explain what the cartoonist is trying to say with this cartoon. Why could it be funny? 4 What do you think about it? Comment on the opinion expressed in the cartoon. Do you agree with it? Why?/Why not? SPEAKING 10 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv