way2go! 6, Schulbuch

91 In pairs, come up with your own quote about being young today and compare it in class. WRITING 4 a Young living Discuss the quotes below with a partner. 1 Can you guess the authors of these quotes?  a  Socrates   b  Oscar Wilde   c  J. K. Rowling 2 What do they say about your age group? Do you agree? Why?/Why not? SPEAKING 3  1  contempt for authority: Verachtung für Autorität “Youth cannot know how age thinks and feels. But old men are guilty if they forget what it was to be young.” “The children now love luxury. They have bad manners, contempt for authority 1 ; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.” “The youth of the present day are quite monstrous. They have absolutely no respect for dyed hair.” Choose one of the quotes from 3 and comment on it in around 70 words. In exercise 6 you will listen to Pam (Lizzie’s stepmother) and two teachers from Whitehall talking about a school project. All the expressions below are used in the conversation. Match the two parts of the expressions and then find their definitions. Example: 1 to create + c involvement + 5 to get people to take part in something b LISTENING 5 a What do you think the school project could be about? Use the expressions to talk about your ideas. b a accepted b pressure c involvement d responsibility e against something f the crowd g to (doing) something 1 to create 2 to commit (oneself) 3 to follow 4 to feel 5 to take 6 peer 7 to protest 1 to do what most people do 2 to think about your decisions and try to find the best solutions for you and the people around you 3 to have the feeling that most people agree with you or like you 4 to invest money, time or effort into a plan 5 to get people to take part in something 6 to openly show that you disagree with something 7 the strong influence of a group on all its members Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv