way2go! 6, Schulbuch

90 Look at the signs below and talk about these questions in pairs: 1 Where could you find signs like these? 2 Who are the signs meant for? 3 Do you think they are appropriate/fair? SPEAKING 1 Unit 07 The story of my life y2839f In this unit you will:  discuss what’s important for teenagers  PEEL longer than ever before  discover if justice can really be blind  find out what people with disabilities want  improve your adjectives  learn how a cat helps a homeless man Look at one of the signs above more closely. How do you feel about it? What is your immediate reaction to it? Write an inner monologue of about 200 words. WRITING 2 A D B C E You might see a sign like that … on the door to a restaurant at a museum at a car park The sign could be for… guests students customers I think the sign is … unfair not OK important because … Strategies box Writing an inner/interior monologue means writing down your thoughts, emotions and sensations as they occur when you see one of these signs. You may use elements of direct speech (“Ah, what’s this?”) and incomplete sentences (“I just wonder … I don’t like that sign. It’s offensive.”). Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv