way2go! 6, Schulbuch

9 Look at the meme below and talk in pairs: 1 What does this meme say about being a secondary school student? 2 Are the pictures an accurate description of your life? 3 Which pictures would you change to better fit your idea of being a student? SPEAKING + WRITING 5 a Who am I? Make up statements about yourself (your hobbies, family, likes and dislikes, your summer holidays, etc.). Let your classmates guess which ones are true and which ones are lies. Example: I can play the trumpet, I am terrified of spiders, and I once won a burger-eating competition. SPEAKING 2 Defining your identity Read through the words on the right. They are all categories of what can define a person’s identity. Make sure you know what the words mean. LANGUAGE 3 Now discuss with a partner: 1 What could you say about yourself regarding each of these categories? (For example, what gender are you? What are you interested in? Where do you come from?) 2 How can these categories help you to describe who you are? 3 Are there any categories missing? What would you add? Work alone. Try to come up with a ranking of these categories, considering which are the most important to you. (For example, are you a woman/man first? Is your school career the most important thing people should know about you? What would you say first if someone asked you where you come from? Which aspects of your life make you unique?) SPEAKING 4 a b Create your own meme and present it to your classmates. Your meme should include one aspect of your life, but show it from two different perspectives. Include headings, such as “What my teacher thinks I do” or “What I think I do”. b Compare your ranking in class. Does anyone define themselves in a similar way to you? Why might someone else define themselves differently? How could your surroundings change the way you see yourself? c I see myself as (a) … (person). The most important thing in my life right now is … Most people would describe me as … One thing that distinguishes me from others is … One aspect I share with many people in this room is … appearance  beliefs  culture  (eating) habits  gender  interests  nationality  social groups  style Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv