way2go! 6, Schulbuch

8 Unit 01 Way to grow! c8j5ie Read the statements below. They all have something to do with growing up and personal identity. What aspects do they deal with? Write headings for 2 to 6. Work in pairs and decide which statements you think are true and which ones are made up. (One is false in each group.) READING + SPEAKING 1 a b In this unit you will:  talk about who you are  report on what other people have said  discover the risks of selfies  discuss teen issues  revise how to deal with writing tasks  improve your social media habits 1  to uncoil sth.: etw. ausbreiten/abwickeln 1 C is false (they never stop growing); 2 A is false (he was born Shawn Corey Carter); 3 C is false (the most common letter in English is ‘e’; 4 B is false; 5 B is false (actually around 3 million are stolen each year); 6 A is false (it’s 16 billion km!) 1 Body A Babies have over 90 bones more than adults. B Teenagers hear high frequency sounds that adults can’t hear. C Your ears stop growing when you reach the age of 18. 2 A Rap singer JAY-Z was named Jayden Zebra when he was born. B Pop star Prince officially changed his name to a symbol. C Actress Anne Hathaway has the same name as Shakespeare’s wife. 3 A The average eight-year-old native speaker of English already knows 10,000 words. B Cows can have regional accents. C The most common letter used in English is ‘i’. 4 A Lady Gaga has a poem in German by Rilke tattooed on her arm. B Emma Watson (‘Hermione’) has a tattoo of Harry Potter on her ankle. C Elaine Davidson, the world’s most pierced woman, has over 9,000 piercings. 5 A Less than 50% of Americans have a passport. B Worldwide, around one million passports are lost or stolen each year. C The only person who doesn’t need to carry a passport travelling abroad is Queen Elizabeth II. 6 A If you uncoiled 1 all the DNA in your cells, it would stretch for 16 million kilometres. B Like fingerprints, everyone has a unique tongue print. C Human hair contains tiny particles of gold. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv