way2go! 6, Schulbuch

65 Natural beauty Describing nature Look at the tree below. The words on the leaves can be used to talk about nature and the environment. Together with a partner, make sure you know what they mean. Then decide if they mostly refer to air , water or land and use different colour pencils to colour in the leaves. Some words can go into more than one category. LANGUAGE 3 a M p. 27 Read through the words again. Then close your book and try to write down as many as you can in one minute. Who can remember the most? There are many different ways of describing the weather using adjectives such as gentle , light , heavy and strong , e.g. a heavy breeze , strong wind . What other weather-related collocations can you come up with? Try to use the words above and others that you can think of. Using some of the expressions from 3a, write five positive and five negative sentences about a place in nature that you know. Read them to your classmates. Can they guess what place you are describing? b 4 5 thunder and lightning a quiet stream sandy beaches mountain peak crashing waves tropical landscape global warming volcano glacier fresh water bay smog wind heat storm shade high tide icy cold breeze warmth jungle sunset rainforest fresh air heavy rain flood rainfall salt water pouring rain steep slope drought waterfall wildlife a calm sea meadow ocean rain shower rainbow low tide pollution nature (no the ), but the environment Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv