way2go! 6, Schulbuch
41 The power of advertising How much do you think ads affect you and your buying habits? Discuss with a partner. Examples: I look out for special offers before I buy anything. That way I can save money. If a food product looks really healthy in an ad, I might consider buying it. Talking about advertising Copy the table below into your notebook. Then read the article and add the words highlighted in green to the correct categories. SPEAKING 21 LANGUAGE 22 M p. 19 People Where you see ads Kinds of ads Parts of ads What ads do advertiser tray print ad logo promote Ads as far as the eye can see! Add this to the endangered list: blank spaces. Advertiser s seem to fill every last one of them, with logo s and slogan s everywhere you look. In the USA, supermarket eggs have been stamped with the names of televi- sion shows, take-away food cartons promote airlines, even the tray s used in airport security lines have been used for advertisements. A person living in a city sees up to 5,000 ads a day, and about half of the people in a survey said they think marketing and advertising today is out of control. Marketer s used to try their hardest to reach people at home, when they were watching TV or reading newspaper s or magazine s by using print ad s. But consumer s’ viewing and reading habits are so different now that many advertisers say the best way to reach them is to try to catch their eye at every turn. “We never know where the consumer is going to be at any point in time, so we have to find a way to be everywhere,” says one advertising executive . Some people have had enough. It seems that simply having pictures and writing (professionals call these ‘ image s’ and ‘ copy ’) are no longer sufficient in ads. After some billboard s started giving off the smell of chocolate chip cookies at San Francisco bus stop s, many people complained, and the city told the company to turn off the smell. The feeling that ads are everywhere may also be due to the increasing use of name- brand items in TV show s and movie s, a trend known as product placement . Just watch a James Bond movie with branded cars, watches and suits being feature d. Companies are finding new ways to offer free services to people who agree to view their ads, particularly on the internet or on cell phone app s. Old-fashioned billboards are being converted to video screen s. These allow advertisers to change messages frequently from remote computers. Some of these screens provide news and information as well as ads and may even be interactive: An interactive ad for Adidas appeared in New York City. Passers-by said they liked the sign , which looked like a still picture of a sneaker until someone walked past it, triggering a motion sensor that sent a spray of miniature sneakers flying. The important thing is to be aware of when you are being target ed by advertisers, whether it is on YouTube , social media , blog s or through traditional print ads, and make wise choices as a consumer. Discuss the different kinds of ads with a partner. Which ones do you find most or least annoying? Agree on an order of most to least annoying kinds of ads. SPEAKING 23 Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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