way2go! 6, Schulbuch
28 UniT 02 | You call this art? That’s my kind of music What’s your favourite music? Work with a partner and talk about the music/songs that you listen to. What do you like about this style of music? Can you agree on something you both like? Talking about music genres There are many different types of popular music. Match the genres to the features below. classical music electronic music hip-hop jazz metal pop rock SPEAKING 24 LANGUAGE 25 a Music genre Features words spoken, not sung, heavy use of rhythm and rhyming words popular music, easy listening, frequently played on mainstream radio wide range of styles, importance of improvisation, band often includes a saxophone music written according to standard European forms or structures by people such as Beethoven or Mendelssohn synthetic music, computer instead of traditional instruments, often fast club or dance music popular music with a strong beat, usually with electric guitars louder and more aggressive than rock, fast, distorted 2 guitars What genres of popular music are missing in the table? Add their features, find examples and share with your class. Choose the correct words to complete the blog post. b 26 M p. 13 green2k7 What a song! I’ve just seen the most recent (1) melody / release by Ed Sheeran on YouTube. It’s called Shape of You and it has got millions and millions of (2) views / tracks already. I can’t stop listening to it, I just love the way he sings and how meaningful the (3) lyrics / instruments are. I can really relate to the story he tells, it reminds me of some situations in my own life … What’s more, the song has such a good (4) performance / rhythm and the tune is so (5) catchy / talented as well. Can you tell I’ve fallen in love with the song? I just might have to buy his latest (6) orchestra / album and listen to more of his songs. Maybe he’s going to play at a (7) festival / studio somewhere around here? Check out the music (8) industry / video on YouTube and leave a comment on what you think about it! reply 2 distorted: verzerrt Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv
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