way2go! 6, Schulbuch

206 KEY SEMESTER CHECKS SPRECHEN B1 Ich kann relativ flüssig eine unkomplizierte, aber zusammenhängende Beschreibung zu vertrauten Themen geben. SPRECHEN B1 Ich kann ohne Vorbereitung an Gesprächen über vertraute Themen teilnehmen und Informationen austauschen. Individual long turn SPEAKING 5 a Study the list below before your partner starts with his/her long turn. Tick the questions while your partner is speaking. Give honest feedback by telling your partner what went really well and what needs improving. Paired activity b Ask a friend to give you and your partner honest feedback based on the list below. Did you … Yes No 5 observe the function words ( explain , give examples , point out )? 6 engage the reader with questions or imperatives? 7 finish your article by giving the reader something to think about? 8 use a variety of linking devices? 9 use powerful adjectives to make reading your article interesting? 10 proofread your article for mistakes you might have made? Did your partner … Yes No 1 speak for about 3 minutes? This means for about 1 minute for each bullet point? 2 speak fluently without reading from notes he/she has made? 3 give clear descriptions of the pictures? 4 say what the pictures have in common and what is different about them? 5 use the present continuous to describe what the people in the pictures are doing? 6 provide some explanation when giving examples in bullet point 2? 7 talk about what young people in general (not only him/her) like buying? 8 really recommend a shop so that you became interested in this shop? Student A … Yes No considers the situational context. listens to what B says. invites B to give his/her opinion. reacts to B’s arguments politely and competently. gives good examples for all bullet points. speaks fluently. doesn’t dominate the discussion. Student B… Yes No considers the situational context. listens to what A says. invites A to give his/her opinion. reacts to A’s arguments politely and competently. gives good examples for all bullet points. speaks fluently. doesn’t dominate the discussion. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv