way2go! 6, Schulbuch

205 Semester checks – answer key Semester check 01, pp. 86–89 Lifestyle centre or shopping centre? (MC) Key: 1 D, 2 C, 3 C, 4 A, 5 D READING 1 What next? Make sure you know why you have to use the words given above. For all mistakes, copy the whole phrase into your notebook and study it (e.g. 1 : it involves putting on clothes ). Article WRITING 4 Look at the article you have written and tick the questions. What next? Discuss your wrong answers with a partner. Try to find out why the option you picked was wrong. Did you misunderstand the text or options in the task? Underline the sentence in the text that points to the correct answer. A history of the world in 100 objects (4W) Key: 1 the British Museum/all over the world, 2 a website/on the internet, 3 years ago/as a small child/to see mummies, 4 has changed/is different now/is that they’re fascinating, 5 died of/ suffered from/worked as, 6 Humphry Davy/a Brit/a British man LISTENING 2 What next? Check with your teacher if you have an answer not given above – it might still be correct. You could also read the transcript of this podcast online and see if you can find the correct answers if you take time to read the text carefully. Then listen to the podcast again in a few weeks and do the task again. Is it easier now? Music, dancing, and a whole lot of green! (OGF) Key: 1 putting, 2 which/that, 3 was, 4 spent, 5 their/an, 6 streets/roads (NOT shops), 7 on/along, 8 to, 9 dish/soup, 10 in, 11 as/because/and LANGUAGE IN USE 3 LESEN B1+ Ich kann unkomplizierte Texte über vertraute Themen mit befriedigendem Verständnis lesen und wichtige Information auffinden. 5: 4–3: 2–0: HÖREN B1+ Ich kann unkomplizierte Sachinformationen über gewöhnliche alltags-, berufs- oder ausbildungsbezogene Themen verstehen und dabei Hauptaussagen und Einzelinformationen erkennen, sofern klar artikuliert und mit vertrautem Akzent gesprochen wird. 6–5: 4–3: 2–0: Did you … Yes No 1 write around 250 words? 2 give your article a catchy title? 3 write a short introduction that gets the reader interested? 4 write three paragraphs (one for each bullet point) of about equal length? SCHREIBEN B1+ Ich kann unkomplizierte, detaillierte Beschreibungen zu einer Reihe verschiedener vertrauter Themen verfassen. Ich kann ein hinreichend breites Spektrum an sprachlichen Mitteln, die eher vorhersehbare Situationen beschreiben, korrekt erkennen und anwenden. 10–9: 8–6: 5–0: SPRACH- VERWENDUNG IM KONTEXT Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv