way2go! 6, Schulbuch

201 CT scan Suzie had a CT scan last week and it showed she was healthy. CT, Computertomographie MRI scan MRT, Magnetresonanz- tomographie power steering Lenkhilfe, Servolenkung engine [ *endZIn ] Motor self-driving selbstfahrend vaccination [ +vxksi*neISEn ] Impfung X-ray machine Röntgengerät to get by with/without sth. How did people get by without the internet in the past? mit/ohne etw. auskommen 14 vehicle [ *vIEkEl ] Fahrzeug drive-through I can’t believe they have drive-through pharmacies in the States! Drive-in ( Lokal/Betrieb zum Durchfahren ) 15 can’t get enough of von etw. nicht genug kriegen können laundry [ *lC"ndri ] I hate having to do the laundry myself. Wäsche parking lot Parkplatz 16 to sit up front vorne sitzen (race) track (Renn-)Strecke 18 traffic accident Verkehrsunfall partial automation Teilautomatisierung warning Warnung to alert sb. to sth. Traffic signs alert drivers to possible dangers. jmdn. auf etw. hinweisen, jmdn. vor etw. warnen to brake The car had to brake sharply but was able to stop in time to avoid a collision. bremsen optimum route optimale Route/Strecke to spread sth. etw. verteilen scarce [ skeEs ] knapp as a unit als Einheit to accelerate [ Ek*selEreIt ] beschleunigen traffic congestion Verkehrsstau to drink and drive betrunken Auto fahren at the wheel am Steuer to navigate sth. etw. navigieren human failings menschliche Schwächen unforeseen unvorhergesehen to swerve [ sw3"v ] ausscheren lane Young drivers often don’t like driving in the fast lane. Fahrspur traffic jam Verkehrsstau to have the capability to do sth. in der Lage sein, etw. zu tun to eliminate sth. etw. eliminieren/beseitigen to allow space Platz lassen to change lanes die Spur wechseln selfishness Egoismus, Selbstsucht autonomous [ C"*tOnEmEs ] autonom, selbständig to adopt sth. Once we adopt the idea of the self-driving car, there will be far fewer accidents. etw. übernehmen/ annehmen vital [ *vaItEl ] Doctors check a patient’s vital organs after an accident. wichtig, lebenswichtig to process [ *prEUses ] sth. I’m lactose intolerant, which means I can’t process milk. etw. verarbeiten/abbauen drugs Drogen; Medikamente kidney Niere to injure sth. Chris injured his leg in a skiing accident. (sich) etw. verletzen appetite [ *xpEtaIt ] Appetit 6 sprained She couldn’t walk well with her sprained ankle. verstaucht to have a sore throat [ +sC" *TrEUt ] Halsschmerzen haben medication Medikamente scar Narbe ligament [ *lIgEmEnt ] Band, Sehne swollen geschwollen prescription You can’t get these pills without a prescription. Rezept ( für Medikamente ) X-ray My son had to have an X-ray on his arm. Röntgen runny nose rinnende Nase, Rotznase open wound [ +EUpEn *wu"nd ] offene Wunde to have a fever Fieber haben to be allergic to sth. gegen etw. allergisch sein painkiller Schmerzmittel plaster cast Gipsverband bandage [ *bxndIdZ ] Verband unconscious [ 0n*kOnSEs ] bewusstlos to get stitches genäht werden GP: (abbr. for) general practitioner Allgemeinarzt/-ärztin 7 (doctor’s) surgery Ordination pharmacy [ *fA"mEsi ] Apotheke 8 medical facility medizinische Einrichtung 9 a torn ligament ein Bänderriss pollen [ *pOlEn ] My sister is allergic to pollen. Pollen, Blütenstaub infection Infektion, Entzündung to cover sth. etw. bedecken/abdecken cigarette smoke Zigarettenrauch to flower I take medication every spring when the trees begin to flower. blühen to tackle sb. You’re allowed to tackle other players in rugby and ice hockey. jmdn. angreifen dairy [ *deEri ] Milchprodukte 11 collision Kollision, Zusammenstoß to be in shock einen Schock haben appointment I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning. Termin to call an ambulance [ *xmbjElEns ] die Rettung rufen to upset sb. You shouldn’t upset young kids by telling them horror stories. jmdn. aufregen to be injured verletzt sein 12 heart monitor Herzüberwachungsgerät Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv