way2go! 6, Schulbuch

200 VOCABULARY 3 ankle Fußknöchel cheek Wange, Backe chest [ tSest ] Brust chin [ tSIn ] Kinn elbow Ellenbogen eyebrow Augenbraue forehead [ *fOrId ] Stirn heel Ferse hip Hüfte jaw [ dZC" ] Kiefer knee [ ni" ] Knie shin [ SIn ] Schienbein shoulder Schulter stomach [ *st0mEk ] Bauch thigh [ TaI ] Oberschenkel thumb [ T0m ] Daumen waist Taille wrist Handgelenk 4 disease [ dI*zi"z ] Krankheit from…onward From now onward you will need to look after yourself better. von … an brain cell Gehirnzelle stroke Schlaganfall condition Zustand medical treatment medizinische Behandlung dehydrated [ +di"haI*dreItId ] dehydriert, ausgetrocknet headache [ *hedeIk ] Kopfweh to rest sich ausruhen to be asleep schlafen to beat The human heart beats between 50 and 100 times per minute. schlagen heartbeat Herzschlag to pump pumpen heart disease Herzerkrankung cause of death Todesursache overweight Being overweight is really unhealthy for you. übergewichtig heart attack Herzinfarkt to recover (from sth.) It took me a long time to recover from my accident. sich (von etw.) erholen to take a deep breath tief einatmen whilst He got interested in football whilst taking P.E. at school. während the lungs die Lunge oxygen [ *OksIdZEn ] Sauerstoff to breathe (in/out) (ein-/aus-)atmen bloodstream Blutkreislauf carbon dioxide [ +kA"bEn daI*OksaId ] Kohlendioxid cancer Krebs to narrow Look out, the road narrows after the bridge. sich verengen liver Leber organ [ *C"gEn ] Organ antibodies Antikörper hormone [ *hC"mEUn ] Hormon citizenship Staatsbürgerschaft to be on edge I was on edge during the whole conversation with the headmaster. nervös sein to push sth. through etw. durchboxen/-setzen poll [ pEUl ] Abstimmung, Umfrage polling station Wahllokal policy [ *pOlEsi ] Our school has a strict anti-bullying policy. Regeln, Strategie, Vorgehen mature [ mE*tSUE ] reif, erwachsen 10 terrorism Terrorismus to argue sth. etw. behaupten/ argumentieren to succeed [ sEk*si"d ] I would argue that good English is important if you want to succeed in certain jobs. erfolgreich sein to propose sth. I’d like to propose a certain date for the meeting. etw. vorschlagen 15 caring fürsorglich decisive [ dI*saIsIv ] (opp. indecisive ) A strong leader knows what he/ she wants and is decisive. entschlussfreudig open-minded (opp. close-minded ) aufgeschlossen, offen für Neues trustworthy vertrauenswürdig 16 deserted [ dI*z3"tId ] verlassen deserted island einsame Insel grown-up What’s it really like being a grown-up? Erwachsene/r to look after sb. Will you look after my dog while I’m on holiday, please? sich um jmdn. kümmern obedience [ E*bi"diEns ] Gehorsam blush [ bl0S ] Schamesröte hunter Jäger/in to count Taking action is what really counts. zählen, wichtig sein 21 charitable organisation Wohltätigkeitsorganisation 24 firefighter Feuerwehrmann/-frau to put out a fire einen Brand löschen to hand sth. out etw. austeilen 28 voter Wähler/in leadership Führung 29 self-conscious verlegen, unsicher Looking back to identify sth. etw. erkennen main conclusion wesentliche Schlussfolgerung clearly signalled argumentative text klar geschriebener, argumentativer Text Unit 10 AI: (abbr. for) artificial intelligence KI, künstliche Intelligenz 1 discovery Entdeckung 2 human being menschliches Wesen robot [ *rEUbOt ] Roboter helpful hilfreich, hilfsbereit Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv