way2go! 6, Schulbuch

193 to refer to sth. I am referring to the telephone conversation we had last week. sich auf etw. beziehen sunset/sunrise Sonnenunter-/-aufgang breeze [ bri"z ] Brise rainbow Regenbogen thunder Donner lightning Blitz rainforest Regenwald warmth Wärme low tide/high tide You can walk from the beach to the island at low tide. Ebbe/Flut heat [ hi"t ] Hitze volcano [ vOl*keInEU ] How many volcanoes are erupting every day? Vulkan crashing waves brechende Wellen; Meeresrauschen pollution Verschmutzung bay Bucht meadow [ *medEU ] Wiese ocean About two thirds of the world are covered by oceans. Ozean, Meer smog Did you know that ‘smog’ comes from ‘smoke’ and ‘fog’? Smog, Industriedunst wildlife Pflanzen- und Tierwelt, Flora und Fauna drought [ draUt ] Dürre, Trockenheit steep slope steiler Hang icy cold eiskalt global warming globale Erwärmung heavy rain starker Regen rainfall Niederschlag, Regen shade [ SeId ] Let’s sit over there in the shade. Schatten glacier [ *glxsiE ] Gletscher stream Strom, Fluss mountain peak Berggipfel flood [ fl0d ] Überschwemmung rain shower Regenschauer fresh water Süßwasser tropical tropisch; Tropen-… pouring rain [ 9pC"rIN *reIn ] strömender Regen 6 enjoyable unterhaltsam, angenehm challenging (heraus)fordernd tight dicht, knapp a total of … I worked at the cafeteria for a total of 20 hours. insgesamt … syllable [ *sIlEbEl ] Silbe to emphasise [ *emfEsaIz ] sth. etw. betonen simplicity Einfachheit expression Ausdruck brief kurz ideally idealerweise, im Idealfall rather [ *rA"DE ] I’d rather have salad than soup. eher, lieber fairly Entry tickets to some national parks are fairly expensive. ziemlich to endure [ In*dZUE ] sth. He bit on his finger to endure the pain. etw. ertragen/aushalten to tease [ ti"z ] sb. Good friends can tease each other without getting upset. jmdn. hänseln to change your ways sich ändern/bessern to wink at sb. jmdm. zuzwinkern to set off Hansel and Gretel set off into the forest. aufbrechen, sich auf den Weg machen to be about to do sth. I was about to call you when I got your text message. kurz davor sein, etw. zu tun to catch up (with sb./sth.) I ran as fast as I could, but I couldn’t catch up with Amy. aufholen, jmdn./etw. einholen to boast about sth. He’s always boasting about how well he can cook. mit etw. angeben/prahlen boastful angeberisch to challenge sb. to sth. The boys challenged the girls to a volleyball match. jmdn. zu etw. herausfordern 28 to pretend to be sb./sth. vorgeben, jmd./etw. zu sein to trap sb./sth. jmdn./etw. in eine Falle locken 29 to advise sb. to do sth. I can only advise you to study after school. jmdm. etw. nahelegen/ anraten to persuade sb. to do sth. jmdn. zu etw. überreden to talk sb. into (doing) sth. Could you talk your brother into coming to my party? jmdn. zu etw. überreden, jmdm. etw. einreden to talk sb. out of (doing) sth. Luckily, we talked her out of getting a snake as a pet. jmdm. etw. ausreden Little Red Riding Hood Rotkäppchen 30 to stare [ steE ] (at sb./sth.) starren, jmdn./etw. anstarren 33 mermaid [ *m3"meId ] Meerjungfrau shelter Zufluchtsort, Schutz to challenge sth. Why are you challenging my decision? etw. infrage stellen 35 staring starrend to beg sb. to do sth. jmdn. anflehen/anbetteln, etw. zu tun to shiver zittern shivering zitternd 36 New Year’s resolution guter Vorsatz fürs neue Jahr 37 celebratory [ +selE*breItEri ] feierlich; Feier-… Unit 05 to colour sth. (in) etw. anmalen/ausmalen Japanese [ +dZxpEn*i"z ] japanisch orangutan [ C"+rxNu"*txn ] Orang-Utan environment Umwelt; Umgebung 1 to imagine sth. sich etw. denken, sich etw. vorstellen calm ruhig remote abgelegen moist feucht 3 natural beauty natürliche Schönheit Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv