way2go! 6, Schulbuch

191 linking device Bindewort 32 to break up with sb. sich von jmdm. trennen to fast forward vorspulen fast-paced temporeich, flott, rasant compelling I’m watching a really compelling TV series. fesselnd, überzeugend to aim [ eIm ] to do sth. Ads aim to make you buy stuff. etw. anstreben/zum Ziel haben roller coaster Achterbahn memorable [ *memErEbEl ] Visiting Vienna was such a memorable experience. einprägsam, unvergesslich 33 target group Zielgruppe 34 endorsement Many celebrities give their endorsement of products. Unterstützung Unit 04 New Year’s Eve Silvester graveyard Friedhof to become familiar with sth. mit etw. vertraut werden to rediscover sth. etw. wiederentdecken 1 to celebrate sth. etw. feiern bull Stier tin casting Bleigießen bonfire Bonfires were lit on the hills around the lake. (Freuden-/Lager-)Feuer 2 Gosh! (infml.) Oh my gosh, I love this song! Du meine Güte! Mensch! 4 fireworks What time did the fireworks start? Feuerwerk 6 custom Brauch, Brauchtum customary [ *k0stEmEri ] On Valentine’s Day it’s customary to give flowers to someone you love. üblich, gebräuchlich It’s supposed to bring good luck. Es soll (angeblich) Glück bringen. 7 ski lodge Skihütte 8 celebration Feier, Fest in advance You need to pay in advance. im Voraus miraculous [ mI*rxkjElEs ] wunderbar, außergewöhnlich the months ahead Summer has ended, and the months ahead will be cold. die kommenden Monate to skip sth. etw. auslassen stroke (of a bell) (Glocken-)Schlag to guarantee sth. etw. garantieren adrenaline rush Adrenalinschub to gag würgen; hier: ersticken to cram sth. in your mouth sich etw. in den Mund stopfen to swallow sth. etw. schlucken to bear consequences Posting information online can bear serious consequences. Konsequenzen mit sich bringen prosperity Wohlstand lingerie [ *lOnZEri ] Damenunterwäsche to be targeted The new girl was targeted by bullies. anvisiert werden wise klug, weise consumer Konsument/in 24 to advertise sth. The concert was advertised in several newspapers. etw. bewerben 26 documentary [ +dOkjE*mentEri ] Dokumentarfilm, Doku sales technique Verkaufstechnik to create anxiety Angst schüren storytelling Geschichtenerzählen to defeat sb. jmdn. besiegen villain [ *vIlEn ] Bösewicht ad campaign Werbekampagne 29 (much) anticipated mit Spannung erwartet to chase sb./sth. jmdn./etw. verfolgen familiar bekannt plump rundlich, mollig scores of … Pat received cards from scores of friendly people. zahlreiche … extra In her teens, she worked as an extra in several films. Statist/in fame Ruhm to soar [ sC" ] Temperatures will soar today. schlagartig ansteigen, in die Höhe schnellen phenomenon [ fE*nOmInEn ] Phänomen to air sth. The speech will be aired live on CNN tonight. etw. ausstrahlen/senden appeal Anziehungskraft, Reiz network Sender, Fernsehgesellschaft to charge sb. The hairdresser charged me 40 euros just for styling my hair! jmdm. Geld verrechnen investment Investition to stand out Dressing differently will help you stand out from the crowd. auffallen, hervorstechen to measure sth. etw. messen either way We can eat at home or go out; I’m happy either way. so oder so sheer It was sheer luck that we found each other in such a large crowd of people. rein, schier awareness We need to raise awareness of bullying in schools. Bewusstsein 31 to persuade [ pE*sweId ] sb. jmdn. überreden/ überzeugen to entertain sb. jmdn. unterhalten readership Leserschaft to address sb. In some schools pupils address teachers by their first name. jmdn. ansprechen descriptive beschreibend, anschaulich to pull sb. in Advertising campaigns are designed to pull you in. jmdn. anziehen/anlocken to publish sth. etw. veröffentlichen involved miteinbezogen, betroffen Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv