way2go! 6, Schulbuch

188 VOCABULARY classic Did you spell ‘whether’ wrong? That’s a classic mistake. klassisch, typisch 9 to convince sb. (of sth.) jmdn. (von etw.) überzeugen to interrupt sb. jmdn. unterbrechen to observe sth. Visitors to the museum are advised to observe the rules. hier: etw. einhalten/ befolgen 11 shape What shape is the Earth? Form to portray [ pC"*treI ] sth. This photo portrays exactly the kind of person he is. etw. darstellen/abbilden impression I got the impression that you’re happy. Am I right? Eindruck to draw from your own experience aus der eigenen Erfahrung schöpfen 14 exhibition ( short: exhibit) Ausstellung to be on display ausgestellt sein entry is free der Eintritt ist frei to be likely They say boys are more likely to bully than girls. wahrscheinlich sein to be devoted to sth. The gallery is devoted to the work of Van Gogh. etw. gewidmet sein collection Sammlung venue [ *venju" ] (Veranstaltungs-)Ort to give sb. an understanding of sth. jmdm. eine Vorstellung von etw. vermitteln display Ausstellungsstück; Darstellung, Modell rotating (sich) drehend to promote understanding of sth. Her work helps to promote understanding of aboriginal culture. das Verständnis für etw. fördern to maintain sth. etw. erhalten/pflegen to feature [ *fi"tSE ] sth. This museum features some of the most famous paintings in the world. etw. aufweisen/bieten outstanding herausragend circular [ *s3"kjElE ] kreisförmig branch Ast to launch [ lC"ntS ] into sth. Carol launched into her world trip with enthusiasm. sich in etw. hineinstürzen to surround yourself with sb./sth. When you feel sad, surround yourself with people you love. sich mit jmdm./ etw. umgeben aircraft Which airline has the most aircraft? Fluggerät/e, Flugzeug/e missile [ *mIsaIl ] (Raketen-)Geschoss  … -related Eric is interested in everything that’s science-related. auf … bezogen, mit … zu tun haben escape Flucht story (AE) , storey (BE) Stockwerk to be into sb./sth. The kids in my class are really into reading. auf jmdn./etw. stehen throughout three centuries über drei Jahrhunderte abstract [ *xbstrxkt ] abstrakt inspiring inspirierend dull langweilig, geistlos unknown This painting was created by an unknown artist. unbekannt disturbing The film contains a number of disturbing scenes. verstörend 2 to brighten sth. up Those flowers really brighten up the room. etw. aufhellen/aufheitern 4 artistic künstlerisch, kunstvoll artwork Kunstwerk(e); Bildmaterial composition Komposition, Zusammenstellung contemporary arts zeitgenössische Kunst the fine arts die schönen Künste imagination You can draw anything you like – just use your imagination. Fantasie, Vorstellungskraft masterpiece Meisterwerk the performing arts die darstellenden Künste poetry [ *pEUItri ] Dichtung, Dichtkunst sculpture [ *sk0lptSE ] Frida teaches sculpture at our school. Bildhauerei; Skulptur statue [ *stxtSu" ] Statue talented talentiert the visual arts die bildenden Künste 5 human [ *hju"mEn ] menschlich to express sth. Artists often express strong emotions, like love or fear, in their work. etw. ausdrücken meaningful bedeutungsvoll literature [ *lItrEtSE ] Literatur to be subdivided into … The house was subdivided into apartments. unterteilt sein in … to merge [ m3"dZ ] sth. with sth. The two companies merged to form one large company. etw. mit etw. verschmelzen/ vereinigen to differ (from sth.) How do the pictures differ from each other? sich unterscheiden (von etw.) yet He was never good at school, (and) yet he became a doctor. dennoch, trotzdem sb./sth. plays a key role jmdm./etw. kommt eine Schlüsselrolle zu fiction Romanliteratur non-fiction Sachliteratur journalism [ *dZ3"nElIzEm ] Journalismus in some instances in manchen Fällen to provide sb. with sth. Our school provides children with free breakfast. jmdm. etw. bieten/zur Verfügung stellen to give insight into sth. einen Einblick in etw. geben joy Freude to convey sth. The picture conveys the feeling of peace. etw. vermitteln 6 classical He’s a big fan of classical music. klassisch, traditionell Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv