way2go! 6, Schulbuch

185 Writing 1 Study the task carefully and make sure you fully understand what you have to do before you start writing. 2 Make notes of how and what to write before you start. Spend at least five to ten minutes planning your text. The better you have planned your text, the easier it will be to write it. 3 Look at your text critically once you have finished it. a What type of text (email, article, blog, …) do you have to write? This will affect your layout and your style. Check the Writing coach for text type conventions. b What is your reason for writing? To give or get information, to give a report, to complain, to persuade somebody? c Who will read your text? A friend, the manager of a hotel, a group of young people, bloggers you don’t know? This will affect the style of your writing and the register (formal/informal). d What do you have to write about? The content points (bullet points) tell you what to include and help you structure your text. a Brainstorm ideas and draw mind maps. What will be your main ideas, examples, arguments? How can you support them? Can you write about cause and effect? Do you need to mention possible (dis)advantages? Will you have to write about a sequence of events? Are you required to offer a solution? Can you draw from your own experience? What grammatical structures and what tenses will you have to use? What will your introduction and conclusion be about? b Will you be able to write around 80 words for each bullet point in a 250-word text? Remember, each bullet point should deal with a separate aspect, so be careful not to repeat yourself. And don’t forget to start a new paragraph for each bullet point. a Do a rough word count (the average number of words per line multiplied by the number of lines you have written). Think of how and where you can add or cut text if you have failed to meet the expected number of words by clearly more than 10%. b Check if you have written an appropriate salutation, a closing, a title, headings, etc., depending on the task type. Proofread your text and try to spot personal mistakes that you might have made in earlier pieces of writing (spelling, grammar, punctuation, etc.). You have booked a reasonably priced all-inclusive hotel on the beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Unfortunately, the hotel did not at all meet your expectations. You have decided to complain about it in an email to the manager . In your email you should:  give reasons why you booked the hotel  describe what went wrong  suggest what you expect the manager to do Write around 250 words. a text type? b reason for writing? c reader? d what about? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv