way2go! 6, Schulbuch

182 WRITING COACH Blog A blog (short for ‘weblog’) is an interactive webpage for publishing writing online. Anybody who has access to the internet can read the blogs there and comment on them. In a blog, you give your opinion on a topic, inform your readership, write about personal experiences using formal, semi- formal or informal language, depending on the topic and your readership. You may also address your readers directly and invite comments. If your blog is well-written and interesting, other bloggers will want to read and comment on it 1 .  1  See the Writing coach in way2go! 5 for sample tasks and answers. Blog post (blog entry) Blog comment You write a blog post to share your opinion on a particular subject with online readers. The topic could be of general interest, such as leisure, literature, politics or education. It could also be a diary-type travel journal. You could ask for information, advice or other bloggers’ opinions as well. In your conclusion, you might want to let the readers know what you would like them to do: comment on your blog, read a certain book or article, try out some different food, or join a club, depending on your blog post. You write a blog comment to express your opinion on a blog post or another blog comment. Make sure you have read the blog post (or comment) carefully and fully understand the writer’s view before you comment on it. Start your blog comment by referring to the blog post or comment, agree or disagree with the writer, give or follow advice, make suggestions, or give your opinion on the topic that is under discussion. These are the main points to remember when writing a blog post: Layout  User name  Title Organisation  Introduction  Main body (address and expand the bullet points making use of paragraphs)  Conclusion These are the main points to remember when writing a blog comment: Layout  User name  Email address Organisation  Introduction (refer to the blog post/comment)  Main body (address and expand the bullet points making use of paragraphs)  Conclusion Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv