way2go! 6, Schulbuch

181 From: Lukas Schauregger Subject: Austrian students’ club preferences Date: 28 th February 20.. Introduction The following report outlines which of the suggested afternoon clubs the Austrian students would like to attend in Cambridge. The information is based on a survey done among 20 students in the class. My findings and recommendations are presented below. Club preferences A large majority of students wishes to go to the Sports Club. In fact, this club was chosen by almost half of the class. More than one third of students would like to attend the Games Club, whereas only a few students are interested in the Music Club. The Debate Club is the least popular, with only one person in twenty choosing to attend. Sports are most popular Sports are the most popular choice because our school has a strong extra-curricular sports programme. Our sports teams are usually successful in competitions. Also, many students enjoy playing online games and board games, such as chess, in their free time. As there is no focus on music at our school, students are probably not interested in it. The Debate Club is not popular because many students do not trust themselves to hold a formal debate in English yet. Recommendations I recommend that enough places are provided in the Sports Club for the majority of the class. The Austrian students certainly look forward to some competitive sports matches that could be organised by the school. Perhaps the person who is in charge of the Debate Club should be warned that only one student is interested in it. Sample answer Ways to begin your report: The aim of this report is to outline …; This report will consider …; As requested, I will explain/ specify/suggest … In your introduction you explain what the report is about. Write clear headings for each section or paragraph. Use formal linking words, such as in fact , also , whereas , … Formal language: no contractions Make sure it is clear who is writing the report and what it is about. Also, give the date. Formal language: passive structures Bp1: Summarise the facts (results of the survey) given in the graph. Use phrases such as almost half , more , less than half , a third , … Bp2: Explain the facts by giving reasons. Why do you think the students have chosen a particular club? What do you think about the results? Bp3: Make useful suggestions for the school as a conclusion. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv