way2go! 6, Schulbuch

168 SEMESTER CHECK !! SPRECHEN B1+ Ich kann Gedanken zu eher abstrakten, auch kulturellen Themen ausdrücken und mich darüber austauschen. B1+ Ich kann ohne Vorbereitung mit einiger Sicherheit an Gesprächen über vertraute Themen teilnehmen. Individual long turn (4 minutes) Study the task below and prepare for about 8 minutes. Your partner gives you feedback with the checklist in the key. SPEAKING 5 a  Compare the pictures.  Specify how you could help older people use a mobile.  Explain if children should/should not use smartphones. Paired activity (8 minutes) Do the task below in a group of three. Two of you talk, the third group member listens and gives you feedback with the checklist in the key. Your class is doing a social project. Every student has to do volunteer work for a week. Your English language assistant wants to know which of the institutions listed below you and your partner would like to work for. Agree on two.  kindergarten  refugee camp  animal shelter  old people’s home  Red Cross b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv