way2go! 6, Schulbuch

166 SEMESTER CHECK !! SPRACH- VERWENDUNG IM KONTEXT Ich kann ein hinreichend breites Spektrum an sprachlichen Mitteln, die eher vorhersehbare Situationen beschreiben, korrekt erkennen und anwenden. Read the text about the dangers faced by some journalists. Some words are missing. Choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D) for each gap (1–10). Put a cross (  ) in the correct box. The first one (0) has been done for you. LANGUAGE IN USE 3 The most dangerous job in the world? What comes to mind when we think about the most dangerous jobs in the world? We may think of firefighters, police officers, miners, or even bodyguards, but not (0) of us would believe that there are some journalists who face greater dangers for reporting the news. According to the United Nations, “Journalism is one of the (1) dangerous professions in the world.” Journalists go out to the streets in war zones or other dangerous areas to explore and report what is happening. (2) , in this profession, the stories covered may result in the kidnapping, assault and even death of journalists and their staff. Many journalists are unable to (3) to their home countries out of fear of being jailed or killed. Navi Pillay, the former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said, “ (4) on human rights violations and giving a voice to the victims is what journalists do best. They contribute towards raising awareness of human rights issues, (5) means this service deserves better protection than it has now.” Sadly, less protection (6) to journalists than to individuals doing other risky jobs. People don’t (7) this until they see innocent journalists that have been arrested, kidnapped or even murdered. Photographer Tyler Hicks has said, “I have been (8) by many people why I take the risks that I do to do this job. We do it because we want to validate what’s happening (9) the world. We hope that by being there to document it first-hand, we can bring the (10) – and hopefully positive change.” 0 A many B none C any D majority 1 A extreme B ten C most D important 2 A Badly B Always C Unfortunately D Unhappy 3 A leave B live C renew D return 4 A Reporting B Write C Report D Saying 5 A what B although C while D which 6 A was given B gives C is given D is giving 7 A knowing B realise C hearing D mean Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv