way2go! 6, Schulbuch

160 UniT 12 | Going global Read the text about a coffee farmer in Costa Rica. Some parts are missing. Choose the correct part (A–L) for each gap (1–9). There are two extra parts that you should not use. Write your answers in the boxes provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. READING 18 a  3  guaranteed premium: garantierte Prämie zusätzlich zum Verkaufspreis  4  cooperative: Genossenschaft ( eine Zusammenarbeit von Personen für wirtschaftliche Zwecke ) Why Fairtrade coffee? Does buying Fairtrade products really make a difference to people’s lives? We talked to Gerardo Arias Camacho,a coffee producer from Costa Rica, about how his community has been changed. In the 1980s, the price of coffee fell so low that it didn’t cover the cost of production. Many farmers left their land and (0) to find work. I myself decided to go to America to make money and support my family. After eight years, I had earned enough to (1) my father so that my parents could retire. But coffee prices were still so low that I was forced to go back to the States for another two years. The coffee market is still unstable, but now that we have (2)  , prices are stable and we receive a guaranteed premium 3 for the community. We spend this money on education, environmental protection, roads and bridges, and have (3)  . We are sponsoring a scholarship programme so that our kids can stay in school. My oldest son is in college, my ten-year-old has already had as much education as me, and my little princess is in her second year at school. With the help of fair trade, they might all (4) and get a degree. They won’t have to jump the border from Mexico to America, leaving their country for ten years, like me. They can decide what they want in life. I tell them, “You have two choices. You can be a coffee grower or you can (5)  . But learn how to grow coffee first, like your father and your grandfather.” Since being Fairtrade-certified, our farms have become more environmentally friendly. Our coffee is now produced in a sustainable way. We have (6) by 80% in 10 years. We used to cut a lot of trees down every year to fuel the ovens of our production plant. Now we have (7) by waste products, including coffee skins and the skins of macadamia nuts. I believe that my cooperative 4 would be out of business if it wasn’t for fair trade. Free trade is not responsible trade. When prices go down, (8) and prices drop further. Fair trade is the way trade should be: fair, responsible and sustainable. When you are shopping, look for the Fairtrade label – you can be sure that the money is going (9)  . It will help us, but it will also help people around the world because the benefits of protecting the environment are for everyone. It is a matter of helping each other. As a Fairtrade farmer, I finally feel that I have a tool in my hand. It has given me knowledge so that I am more able to defend myself and my people. I feel there is a future in front of us, because we can stay in our own country and make a living growing coffee. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv