way2go! 6, Schulbuch

158 UniT 12 | Going global Copy the events into your notebook in the correct order, leaving some space free under each one. Then listen again and add some details to the events. c What do you know about Cuba? Share your knowledge with a partner and in class. Read the following information about travel restrictions for Cubans. How did Cubans try to leave the country? SPEAKING + READING 9 a b How do you think the story will end? Write three to five sentences. Now listen to the second part of the story and answer the questions below. 1 Why are the immigration officers suspicious of Tony Lloyd? 2 How does the officer’s explanation make Tony Lloyd feel? Why is he feeling that way? 3 How does the story end? What are Tony Lloyd’s feelings now? WRITING 11 LISTENING 12 30 Do you know any other stories about problems at borders? They could come from books, films or your own experience. Prepare by taking some notes first, then tell your stories in small groups. Imagine you are one of the immigration officers who interviewed Tony Lloyd at the border. Write a story about the event from his/her point of view. SPEAKING 13 WRITING 14 For many decades, Cuban citizens were not allowed to travel abroad without special permission that was only rarely granted. Still, many of them tried to leave illegally. Over one million Cubans emigrated to the US alone, either going by boat or ship at night or using stolen or fake passports to take a plane out of Cuba. Since 2013, Cubans have been allowed to leave the island nation, but finding a country that will allow them to immigrate legally can still be problematic. In 10b you are going to listen to an FM4 feature with a man called Tony Lloyd, who considers himself a ‘citizen of the world’. He is going to talk about what happened when he was trying to leave Cuba after travelling around the island for some time. What do you think he will say? Look at the events below. Listen to the first part of the story and put them in the correct order. LISTENING 10 a 29 M p. 61 b a is asked questions in Spanish b is on holiday in Cuba c is asked to admit to something d goes to the airport e is asked questions in English f is asked to come for an interview Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv