way2go! 6, Schulbuch

152 UniT 11 | Culture is key The pictures below show young people in distressing situations. Think about the following questions and discuss them with a partner. 1 Where are the scenes taking place? 2 How do the students feel in each of these pictures? 3 What is the atmosphere like? 4 What title would you suggest for each of these pictures? 5 What title would you suggest for both of them? 6 What could be the reason for the bullying shown in the pictures? SPEAKING 19 a Tell your partner a story that could go with the pictures. Partner A chooses the picture on the left, partner B the picture on the right. In pairs, brainstorm ideas about what young people can do to fight such bullying. Then present your ideas in class. Use one of the pictures as a stimulus to write an inner monologue of about 200 words. Write it from the perspective of one of the people in the pictures or from your perspective looking at the pictures. Design an anti-racism poster or create an anti-racism meme and present it in class. Topic vocabulary: Intercultural issues Find the word pairs. There is more than one possible match for most of the words. b c WRITING 20 a b LANGUAGE 21 a (inter)cultural culture unfamiliar country foreign customs local pitfalls social minority ethnic background migration (mis)understanding find word pairs Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv