way2go! 6, Schulbuch

151 Complete the speech bubbles with the words below. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. Then discuss the questions with a partner. Austria  conflicts  countries  culture  difficulties  ethnic  immigrants  language  music  roots SPEAKING 17 Living together – learning from each other The school magazine of your English partner school is running a series of articles on intercultural understanding in school. You have decided to send them an article about your experience with classmates from another country. In your article you should:  outline challenges classmates from another country might face  suggest how you can help them cope with these challenges  point out what you can learn from classmates from another country Write around 250 words. Give your article a title.  See Writing coach , Article , p. 180. WRITING 18 M p. 59 What do you know about the (1) of your parents and grandparents? What (10) food do you like? What (9) could arise between friends from different ethnic back- grounds? Do you listen to (8) in languages other than German or English? Do you think that (7) plays an important role when talking about immigration? Give reasons. What other (2) do you speak apart from German? What (3) do your classmates with a migration background come from? How should Austria deal with (4) ? If you had to leave (5)  , what country would you like to go to? What are the (6) of learning German for a person from another country? Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv