way2go! 6, Schulbuch

149 In pairs, write down what comes to mind when you read ‘the sound of music’. Get together with another pair and compare your lists. Ask questions about words you find surprising. Listen to a British reporter talk about the film The Sound of Music while walking through Salzburg and answer the questions below. 1 What do the Sound of Music tourists do in Salzburg? 2 What is The Sound of Music about? 3 When was the film first shown? 4 What does Mr Steiner say about the song Edelweiss ? 5 What did the Austrian crew members of the film team think about the film? 6 What reasons are given for Austrians not liking the film? 7 What does a Sound of Music bicycle tour look like? Do some research about the film on the internet. Do you agree with the statements made about the film? Why?/Why not? Talking about a country’s culture Read the statements about The Sound of Music and circle the correct options. LISTENING 12 a b 27 c LANGUAGE 13 M p. 58 Discuss the questions below in small groups. 1 Do you think a film can give a realistic picture of a culture? Why?/Why not? 2 Which films or TV series would you recommend to learn about Austrian culture? 3 What have you learned about other cultures from films or series? SPEAKING 14 “Climb every mountain, ford every stream 6 , follow every rainbow, ’til you find your dream” is a beautiful (1) misunderstanding / statement / pitfall of philosophy. Critics may think that the film The Sound of Music isn’t a (2) serious / offensive / ethnic one, but I think it’s really deep. The message that we should not tolerate evil is just as (3) important / difficult / tolerant today. ( Jon Voight ) It is a Hollywood production that has nothing to do with Austria other than being shot on location there. Austrians do not (4) identify / respect / offend one little bit with that film … Well, apart from Salzburg entrepreneurs drawing cash out of the pockets of American and Asian (5) friends / tourists / local people . ( Christian R. Vornberg ) Sadly, the film is most likely where Americans get most of their (7) information / truth / thoughts about Austrian history, culture and traditions. It also helps keep up some unfortunate (8) customs / ideas / stereotypes that many Austrians would rather stay away from – lederhosen-clad men and dirndl-wearing women, for example. ( Kate Jackson ) While the movie is usually not liked by most Austrians, it is at least accepted as an opportunity to show other people the actual (6) type / nature / culture of the country. ( Christoph Marshall )  6  to ford a stream: einen Strom/Fluss überqueren N r zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv