way2go! 6, Schulbuch

146 UniT 11 | Culture is key Choose one of the statements below and write a post to the forum expressing the idea. a “I’ve got a hole in my sock – I want to keep my shoes on.” b “Ugh, people walking into the loo without their shoes on!” c “Gosh, it must be really uncomfortable to keep your shoes on all the time.” Some students from the Whitehall partner school have asked what cultural practices they should know about when they come to Austria. Should they bring a gift for their host family, for example? In pairs, discuss some of the everyday things Austrians do and give advice on what to expect and how to behave in these situations in Austria: WRITING 4 SPEAKING + WRITING 5 a a when you meet somebody b when a family sits down to eat c when you give somebody a gift d when you use public transport  4  to haggle: feilschen (einen günstigeren Preis aushandeln) Choose an everyday activity from 5a and write an informal email to one of your friends in Cambridge. Give advice on how to do this in Austria. Write around 200 words. In pairs, talk about these points: 1 Which of the following do you do/don’t you do? Explain why/why not. a take off your shoes when you go into someone’s home b shake hands with people when you meet them c greet people with a hug and a kiss on each cheek d haggle 4 when buying something in a shop or at a market e applaud when your plane lands safely f say something like ‘bless you’ when someone sneezes 2 Have you ever misunderstood the local customs in an unfamiliar place? If so, what happened? 3 How important do you think is it to know about the local customs in a new place/country you are visiting? Read the text by Maya Angelou. First decide whether the statements (1–7) are true (T) or false (F) and put a cross (  ) in the correct box. Then identify the sentence in the text which supports your decision. Write the first four words of this sentence in the space provided. There may be more than one correct answer; write down only one. The first one (0) has been done for you. b SPEAKING 6 READING 7 M pp. 56–58 Maya Angelou was an African-American author well known for her writing about intercultural issues. She campaigned for civil rights for black people in the USA. Here she describes a visit to a friend’s house in Senegal. Samia was a famous actress from Senegal who dressed in glamorous flowing clothes. I met her on a trip to Paris. […] Samia said she and her husband Pierre lived most of the year in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, and I would always be welcome in their home. Years passed before I did visit Senegal, but the telephone number they had given me still worked. I was invited for dinner. I entered a beautifully furnished living room to the sound of people laughing and glasses clinking with ice. The guests were integrated. As many Europeans as Africans were enjoying a full-blown party. Samia introduced me to a small group near the door and stayed talking to us until a server offered me a drink. I wandered from group to group. Samia’s first language was Serer, but I did not speak Serer and the Senegalese accent made the French which was spoken hard for me to comprehend. I passed an open door where people stood along the wall, careful not to step on the beautiful Oriental rug in the center of the room. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv