way2go! 6, Schulbuch

145 Misunderstandings Read the forum post. Can you guess what the missing word is? READING 2 a What would your answer to this post be? Describing intercultural experiences Read the reactions of the other forum users. Use the sentence parts in the box to complete them. b LANGUAGE 3 a Use the sentence parts from the box to write about your own experiences with other cultures. b  1  front stoop ( AE ): Veranda  2  distinctly: merklich, deutlich  3  it didn’t endear itself to me: ich konnte mich nicht damit anfreunden a I remember vividly how surprised we were b I’ve not been disrespectful c I find it strange d I’m being respectful e the custom is understandable f everyone looks at us as if we’re g people are too polite to point it out h it really felt very foreign Boccadiaa Joined: 02 Feb 2016 Posts: 236 German custom of leaving outside front doors According to a recent Reuters news report, more than 100 were stolen by a fox. They had been left outside their doors by the inhabitants of Föhren. My question: why did so many people leave them outdoors? Is this a common German habit/custom? What happens if it rains? Sjoren Joined: 16 Nov 2014 Posts: 521 > Boccadiaa wrote: German custom … As a rule, Germans take their shoes off before entering someone’s home. They may be left on the front stoop 1 (assuming there is a roof over it in case of rain). epscohost Joined: 1 Jan 2015 Posts: 1207 >> Boccadiaa wrote: German custom … I know people who take theirs off in my hall before coming any further, and (1)  . It’s never been suggested to me that I take mine off before going into someone’s house or flat. I hope (2)  . Sjoren Joined: 16 Nov 2014 Posts: 521 > epscohost wrote: I know people … Perhaps (3)  , epscohost, and have patiently been waiting for you to notice the shoes gathered by the door and the bare feet of all their other guests. here_US Joined: 20 May 2015 Posts: 622 >>> Boccadiaa wrote: German custom … It’s not generally done in the US. But (4) to encounter it in Hawaii, perhaps because sand really makes a mess indoors. Our relatives seemed distinctly 2 annoyed if we didn’t take our shoes off inside, which we kept forgetting to do because (5) to us. I think (6)  , but it didn’t endear itself to me 3 . There are other ways I can show (7)  . Totempole Joined: 6 June 2014 Posts: 332 >>>> Boccadiaa wrote: German custom … After living in Austria for 15 years, we’re totally used to taking our shoes off. So we do it all the time when we get home to New York, and (8) completely nuts. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv