way2go! 6, Schulbuch

140 UniT 10 | Bigger, better, faster, stronger The physics department of your English partner school wants to do a project on the future of cars together with your school. They are interested in your ideas and are asking for a report. You have asked your classmates for suggestions and done a survey. WRITING 21 Write a report based on the results of your survey. In your report you should:  explain the results  outline advantages of driverless cars  suggest what your class can do to make the project work Write around 250 words. Divide your report into sections and give them headings.  See Writing coach, Report , p. 180. Self-driving cars are not the only kind of modern technology relying on AI (artificial intelligence) to solve problems for their human users. How could AI be useful in medicine? Discuss in class. You are going to listen to an expert explaining how AI can help in medicine. Read the ideas below. While listening for the first time, circle the four main ideas he mentions. Compare in class. SPEAKING + LISTENING 22 a b 25 Now copy the four main ideas into your notebook. Listen again and add two supporting details from the list above to each main idea. c driverless cars Students’ project preferences (n = 20) solar-powered cars flying cars 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 75% 55% 15% 5% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% floating cars Strategies box When you explain the results, you describe them and give possible reasons for them. How AI can support medicine  predicting health problems  diagnosing problems  improving emergency medicine  preventing patients from falling off bed  creating images to find injuries  finding correct medication much faster  predicting risk for heart attack  finding the right therapy  preparing staff in hospital  dealing with Ebola  supporting decision-making  improving first aid Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eig ntum des Verlags öbv