way2go! 6, Schulbuch

136 UniT 10 | Bigger, better, faster, stronger Smart technology changing the world On your own, think of all the inventions that have changed the way humans live, work and communicate with each other, such as the computer or the car. Write down three that you think are really important. Work in groups of three. Each group needs to agree on the three most important inventions. Then each member of the group presents one invention to the class. In your presentation you should convince your audience of your choice by giving good reasons why the invention is so important. SPEAKING 13 a b You are going to watch the first part of a BBC documentary on vehicles. Before watching, discuss these question in pairs: 1 Which of the following vehicles are the most common on the world’s streets? Agree on a ranking from 1 (the most) to 4 (the least): private car – motorbike – taxi –truck 2 Take a guess: How many cars are there in the world today? 3 Looking at the picture on the right, what do you think will be discussed in the video? 4 What kinds of drive-through services do you know? Have you got any in your area? Now watch the video to find some answers to the questions. Which facts were most surprising for you? LISTENING + VIEWING 14 a BBC 05 M p. 53 b Talking about inventions Match the inventions to the two areas of technology below. Then add your own ideas. LANGUAGE + SPEAKING 12 a a heart monitors b CT/MRI scans c power steering d engines e self-driving cars f GPS navigation g vaccinations h X-ray machines technology in cars technology in medicine Talk about the inventions with a partner. Why are they useful? b … has a positive effect on …  … improves our life because …  … allows us to …  … helps people to …  We can’t imagine living without …  … has changed the way people …  We couldn’t get by without … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv