way2go! 6, Schulbuch

13 Read the last paragraph of the article again. Do you agree with what it says about teenagers and how their self-image depends on other people’s reactions to their selfies? b Take a ‘ way2go! selfie’ with your English book! Who can find the most interesting place to pose with their book? Present your pictures and pick a winner. (But don’t put yourself or others in danger when taking the selfie!) SPEAKING 13 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 J It brings with it a new danger: poor judgement. We’ve heard about teenagers posting selfies in their underwear or even nude. They might not regret it at the time, but (10) . Dr Apter thinks it’s all much worse for younger people. “They’re at a stage at which they’re trying to define themselves,” she explains. “They’re trying out different personalities. They feel they have had an opportunity to say, ‘This is who I am,’ then they feel they have messed up. Then they feel ashamed.” Honestly, it makes me glad I’m no longer a teen, but I do remember that feeling of embarrassment and just how painful it can be when you’ve posted a picture that you regret. Teens today have it even worse – they can’t escape selfies, and they feel they need ‘likes’, ‘retweets’ and ‘favourites’ on their pictures to (11) . “It’s their feedback,” Dr Apter explains. “The only way you can count how interesting you are is by how many people like it – how many have retweeted or favourited it.” A is that such a good thing H it’s about being in control B the coolest thing I’ve done all week I projecting this to other people C can be depressing and frustrating J without any real thought D worry more about their own body image K selfies are never a good idea E how we spend our time L they certainly do later F feel that they are interesting M linked to negative feelings about body image G a fun way to capture a moment N no one will know Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv