way2go! 6, Schulbuch

127 I would make a great leader because … Three linking devices I will use from now on are … Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 09 !! READING B1+ I can identify the main conclusions in a clearly signalled argumentative text. (ex. 6) B1+ I can compile information from several literary texts. (ex. 16a/b/c) LISTENING B1+ I can distinguish between main points and supporting detail in clear speech on the topic of politics. (ex. 11b, 22a/b) B1+ I can understand a large part of a radio programme on the topic of politics when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. (ex. 11b) WRITING B1+ I can write straightforward connected texts to describe feelings and reactions on the topic of politics. (ex. 8, 13, 17) B1+ I can write a report to explain a problem somewhat precisely. (ex. 27) SPEAKING B1+ I can express and exchange ideas about more abstract, cultural topics such as politics. (ex. 2, 4, 6, 12, 20, 21) B1+ I can express and exchange ideas about my experiences, feelings and reactions. (ex. 4, 6, 9, 14, 18, 21) LANGUAGE I can use a range of linking devices to structure texts with reasonable precision. I can use articles with reasonable precision. I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on the topic of politics with reasonable precision. Which of the adjectives apply to good and which to bad leaders? Some could go into both categories. c Share your word maps on politics in class and add as many words as possible to your own. Sort the adjectives below into pairs of opposites. 29 a b attractive  calm  caring  close-minded  decisive  dishonest  disrespectful  emotional  honest  indecisive  open-minded  respectful  self-confident   self-conscious  strong  unattractive  uncaring  weak Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv