way2go! 6, Schulbuch

123  Compare the pictures.  Point out what a successful leader should be like.  Explain who you would consider to be a good leader. Linking devices – part 2 Match the explanations on the left with the examples on the right. Choose one phrase from each group and use it in the speaking task below. LANGUAGE 19 M p. 47 Individual long turn : Do this task with a partner. One person compares pictures A, the other one compares pictures B. Both of you talk about the other two bullet points as well. Give each other feedback. SPEAKING 20 A B 1 You have given some information and want to point out the result or the consequence that follows. 2 You want to make a general statement. 3 You have made a statement and want to contrast it with another statement. 4 You want to compare two ideas. a not only – but also, compared to, just like, also, both, either – or, neither – nor, instead, in contrast to, … b on the whole, as a rule, in most cases, usually, generally, in general, … c so, as a result, therefore, consequently, this means that, for this reason, so that, as a consequence, that is why, … d but, although, even though, however, nevertheless, while, whereas, despite, in spite of the fact, … Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv