way2go! 6, Schulbuch

119 Discuss Hannah’s article in small groups. Talk about the following questions: 1 What are her reasons for choosing the subject ‘government and politics’? 2 What do you think about her decision? Do you agree with her? Why?/Why not? 3 Should students be allowed to choose if they want to learn about politics or not? Give reasons. Linking devices – part 1 Linking devices are used to mark relationships between ideas, sentences or parts of sentences. They are also used to connect paragraphs within a text. Match the explanations on the left with the examples on the right. SPEAKING 6 LANGUAGE 7 a M p. 47 What other linking devices can you find in Hannah’s article? As Whitehall’s school magazine is also published in electronic form, readers are invited to leave comments on articles. You have decided to comment on the 2 nd paragraph (the paragraph starting with “I think the deciding point for me…”). In your comment you should:  say how you feel about older people deciding on the future of your country  explain whether it is a good idea that Austrians are allowed to vote at 16  suggest how young people can be motivated to vote in elections Write around 250 words. b WRITING 8 M p. 48 1 You have given some information and want to add more information. 2 You have made a statement and want to give a reason for it. 3 You want to arrange your ideas in a logical order. 4 You have made a statement and want to support it with an example. a for instance, such as, namely, in other words, … b also, moreover, apart from, besides, furthermore, … too, … c because, since, … d first (of all), secondly, then, finally, next, another idea, also, in conclusion, to summarise, lastly, to sum it up, … 0 A decision B idea C step D option 1 A election B poll C elections D votes 2 A participant B citizen C native D member 3 A democracy B country C democracies D states 4 A parties B elections C representation D politics 5 A stand B decide C vote D elect 6 A world B parties C politics D government 7 A ideologies B states C parties D societies 8 A policies B politicians C participation D politics 9 A decision B political C citizen D democrat 10 A mature B voting C driving D school Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv