way2go! 6, Schulbuch

117 Talking about politics Take turns explaining the expressions in green to your partner. Can he/she guess the expressions? Start a word map on ‘politics’ with the expressions from above. Match the parts to make expressions dealing with politics. You can use most of the parts more than once. Make sure you know what the expressions mean. LANGUAGE 3 a M p. 47 b c Who should lead us? Read the statements and work on tasks 1–3 with a partner. 1 What opinions are expressed below? Put them in your own words. 2 Do you agree or disagree with the statements? Give reasons. SPEAKING 2 Now work with a partner to think of more words connected with politics. Look up the English words if you don’t know them. Share your results in class and use them to improve your word map. d 1 to hold 2 to elect 3 to vote for 4 to come to 5 to register to 6 to be in 7 to have 8 to become 9 to run a a town/city/country b vote c a leader d (a) mayor e a council meeting f the majority g an election h power i a party j an agreement k (an) office I think it’s sad many students don’t take the election of the class representative or the head student seriously. Good candidates can really make a difference in school! Young people today have more influence on who will be in government than ever before. Here in Austria, we can vote for a party as soon as we turn 16. I have no idea who the mayor or the president is. It doesn’t have anything to do with me or my life. Politicians should do more to make young people interested in politics . Does it have to be so boring? A C D B Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv