way2go! 6, Schulbuch

115 What I need to remember about writing reports is … Printed books will/will not go out of fashion because … Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 08 !! READING B1+ I can scan a longer text on the topic of media for relevant information. (ex. 8) B1+ I can compile information from several texts on the topic of media. (ex. 8) LISTENING B1+ I can understand straightforward factual information in clear speech on the topic of media. (ex. 6b, 12) B1+ I can understand a large part of a TV programme on the topic of media when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. (ex. 24b) WRITING B1+ I can write a report to communicate information and ideas on the topic of media. (ex. 18, 28) SPEAKING B1+ I can express and exchange ideas about more abstract, cultural topics such as media. (ex. 1, 5, 16, 24a, 25a) B1+ I can express and exchange ideas about my experiences, feelings and reactions. (ex. 2, 9, 14, 19, 22, 25b, 26c/d, 27) LANGUAGE I can use passive structures with reasonable precision. I can use a range of language to express percentages. I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself on the topic of media with reasonable precision. Topic vocabulary: Media and crime Get the word map you’ve made on media while working on this unit and put it on your desk. Then walk around in class and ‘steal’ words from your classmates’ maps to improve your own. Start a word map on ‘crime’ using the information below. Then add the words you found in the first part of this unit. When you’re done, compare your maps in pairs and ask your teacher for a model. LANGUAGE 29 a b Categories: Expressions:  people  places  events  actions arrest sb.  court of law  criminal  get away with sth.  jail  police officer  prison  prisoner  prison sentence  rob sb.  punish sb. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv