way2go! 6, Schulbuch

113 Before you watch the BBC video about books and reading, try to guess the answers to the questions below. Discuss them with a partner. Then watch the video to check your answers. 1 Remember from history class: When was the printing press invented? 2 Which country publishes the most books in the world per year? 3 How many paperbacks can a modern printing press produce in a month? 4 What is the ‘paperback revolution’? 5 What is the name of the novel by George Orwell predicting the future? 6 What arguments for paperback books do book lovers make? You are going to watch the video again. First, study the task below. Then, while watching, complete the sentences (1–7) using a maximum of four words. Write your answers in the spaces provided. The first one (0) has been done for you. After watching, take some time to check your answers. 24 a BBC 04 M p. 46 b 0 One of the key turning points in history was the invention of the . printing press 1 A modern printing press can print four million . 2 The publisher Penguin had a huge impact on the book industry in . 3 Paperback books were successful because they . 4 Unlike a physical book, an electronic reading device can . 5 It’s better to read a physical book rather than an electronic one when . 6 Reading a printed book is compared to having . 7 Books make it possible for people to communicate . Get together with a partner and come up with positive and negative sides of e-books and printed books. Take notes. Decide whether you prefer the e-book or the printed book. Do you think it makes a difference whether you read a novel or a book on cooking? Support your view with good arguments. SPEAKING 25 a b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv