way2go! 6, Schulbuch

108 Unit 08 | Read all about it! The passive Underline all passive structures (e.g. was left , had been tipped ) in the articles in 8. Can you work out the rules for how to make passive sentences from these examples? Check your ideas with Grammar revisited , p. 174. Determine the tense used in the sentences below, then fill in the corresponding passive form on the right. LANGUAGE 11 a M pp. 43/44 b We often use the following expressions to make passive structures: be supposed to   be told to  be asked to  be expected to  be allowed to  be required to Listen to Dan and Hannah and complete the sentences with the expressions above in the correct tense. 1 The school magazine was supposed to come out after half-term. 2 Dan move the deadline forward. 3 The magazine deal with the youth group project. 4 The editorial team of the school magazine fill eight pages. 5 Mark write about immigration by Mr Jackson. 6 This time, the editorial team use the school’s copying system. Work in small groups. Take turns to describe an object in your classroom starting each sentence with ‘It’. The others have to guess which object you are describing. Example: It is used for … 12 21 13 1 A wild animal chased the guide down the hill. Tense: 2 Most people expect planes to be on time. Tense: 4 We could have avoided the problem if we had talked about it. Tense: 5 The woman will sue the bungee jumping company for carelessness. Tense: 3 A teacher has called off the next school council meeting. Tense: The guide down the hill. Planes to be on time. The problem if we had talked about it. The bungee jumping company for carelessness. The next school council meeting .  See Grammar revisited, The passive , p. 174. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv