way2go! 6, Schulbuch

107 Text D Think of a lucky escape you had or heard about. Make some notes, then tell a partner about it in around 90 seconds. Answer any questions your partner has after you have finished. Crime Texts B and C contain eleven expressions connected with crime, such as police or court hearing . Write them into your notebook, together with an example sentence and a translation. SPEAKING 9 LANGUAGE 10 M p. 44 In which news story … did someone nearly drown? 0 was someone committing a crime? 1 were people doing a risky sport? 2 3 did someone spot the danger just in time? 4 was a large number of people saved? 5 was a distance not measured correctly? 6 was the fire service needed? 7 8 were people yelling and crying? 9 did someone get stuck in a small space? 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C Luckily, the company’s safety team were on hand and the woman was immediately pulled out of the water. She was taken to hospital after the incident, but she did not suffer any serious in- juries. A complaint was made by her lawyers, who are considering whether to sue the bungee sports company for carelessness after the incident. For the moment, all jumps have been cancelled. A group of people on a skiing trip in Kashmir, India, got a shock when they spotted something in the snow as they skied down a steep mountain. They came across a rare snow leopard which had been hiding out of sight in the deep snow. The leopard was straight in the path of the off-piste skiers, lying camouflaged in the snow. Luckily, it was seen in time for the group to stop. The leopard jumped out of the snow, began chasing one of the ski guides and then ran into the woods. One of the group said, “It stayed for about a minute checking us out, then a loud roar was heard and it chased the guide for a short time before run- ning away down the slope. We weren’t sure if it was going to attack us or not, so we all stood really still.” The experience left the skiers shocked as it was totally unexpected.These animals are rarely seen since the snow leopard is an endangered species, with only around 4,000 still in existence. The ski guides said that in future great care would be taken in this area. Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv