way2go! 6, Schulbuch

105 Discuss the following questions in groups of three. Agree on a single sentence as your group statement for each question and share the statements with your class. 1 Why is it important to know about events happening around the world? 2 What should news media do to be interesting for a teenage audience? 3 How can you decide if you should believe something you read? Newspaper headlines try to attract the attention of the readers and make them read the article. Read the headlines and make notes on what the stories could be about. Do they make you curious? SPEAKING 5 M p. 43 LISTENING 6 a 20 It’s in the news Kinds of media Read the text below. Use the expressions in green to start a word map on ‘news and the media’. Improve it with your own ideas and concrete examples (e.g. names of social media sites), then share it in class. Keep adding more words to it as you work through this unit. LANGUAGE 4 Now listen to a radio report on three of these news stories. Put them in the order they appear. Rewrite the headlines as full sentences. What was removed to create a headline? Write your own news report for the one headline you didn’t hear about. Record your reports and share them in class. b WRITING + SPEAKING 7 a b  1  tamed: gezähmt, ungefährlich gemacht  2  getaway: Flucht ( nach einer Straftat ) It all started with word of mouth : Sharing exciting news about family members, friends or neighbours. Maybe sometimes a trader or traveller would bring fascinating stories from faraway places. Then, with the invention of the printing press, came newspapers as the first kind of mass media and with them a range of news from all over the world. As technology improved and more and more people learned to read, magazines and other print media were able to bring even more news to their readers. The 20 th century saw the invention of broadcast media : first the radio and then television , which made it possible to see news events live, just as they were happening. Then the internet changed the game yet again and media outlets of all kinds now struggle to stay relevant in the online age. With the arrival of social media , it seems we have come full circle: once again it’s not only professional journalists but regular people sharing news of their everyday lives. A B C D Nur zu Prüfzwecke – Eigentum des Verlags öbv