way2go! 6, Schulbuch

104 Talk about memes A–C in pairs. What issues do they address? SPEAKING 1 Unit 08 Read all about it! a5g8jy In this unit you will:  learn of a hamster’s dangerous journey  read about lucky escapes  revise the passive voice  write a report  watch a video about books  discuss what young people read Discuss the following questions with a partner: 1 Do you sometimes share memes on social media? Why?/Why not? 2 What are some of your favourite memes? Why do you like them? Describe them. 3 What makes a good meme? 4 What is the difference between a picture and a meme? How can you use them differently? Create a meme by using picture D and adding your own text. Share your memes in class and vote on the best one. 2 WRITING 3 A B C D Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv