way2go! 6, Schulbuch

103 One thing I learned about disabled people is … One interaction skill I need to work on is … Looking back: Learning goals of Unit 07 !! READING B1+ I can scan a longer text on the topic of social groups for relevant information. (ex. 21b) LISTENING B1+ I can understand a large part of a radio programme on the topic of social groups when the delivery is relatively slow and clear. (ex. 18b) WRITING B1+ I can write an article to communicate information and ideas on a cultural topic like a book or film. (ex. 33) B1+ I can write a text to explain a problem somewhat precisely. (ex. 15b) SPEAKING B1+ I can express and exchange ideas about more abstract, cultural topics such as social groups. (ex. 1, 3, 10, 16, 17b, 19, 27b, 30) B1+ I can enter unprepared into conversation on the topic of social groups with some confidence. (ex. 10, 17b, 28) LANGUAGE I can use a wider range of suffixes to make adjectives I need. I can put the parts of longer, more complex sentences in the correct order. I can use a sufficient range of vocabulary to express myself with reasonable precision on the topic of social groups. New goals for the summer term Welcome to the summer term! This is the first time that the learning goals are changing during a school year and not just in between years. Study the table with learning goals below and compare it with the ones from the past six units. Highlight any differences. Then share your findings in class. STRATEGIES 35 a 1 What differences can you find? I can express and exchange ideas about … 2 Which learning goals now have more difficult tasks for you to deal with? I can understand most of … 3 Which learning goals have similar tasks, but now expect your results to be better? I can enter into conversation … Discuss the following questions with a partner. Then write down your three main goals and how you plan to achieve them. 1 Which of the new goals might be challenging for you? 2 What are you going to do to achieve these goals? b Nur zu Prüfzwecken – Eigentum des Verlags öbv